Make a Booking at The Manor for Friday, September 13, 2024

Book your stay at The Manor for £2,920.00

Book your stay at The Manor, Worcestershire in September

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We require at-least one phone number

1 of 25
Note infants do not count toward the maximum number of guests allowed at a property.
0 of 2
Please let us know the reason for booking the property, e.g. 50th birthday celebration for couples aged 45 - 60.

Guest List

We require the details of all guests staying, please enter the details of any additional guests by clicking the 'Add Guest' button.


This property allows pets, please give the details of any pets you wish to take with you by clicking the 'Add Pet' button.

Add Pet

Booking Terms and Conditions

This Agreement is made between The Manor Holidays Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales,  whose registered address is at 5 Barnfield Crescent, Exeter, EX1 1QT, and 


General Terms

The Agreement incorporates Schedule I as attached. 

‘The Property’ is referring to The Manor as located at, 

School Lane

Middle Littleton



WR11 8LN


The Property is the property specified above, together with any outside space or garden.

The Rental Period is the agreed period during which the Guest will occupy the Property, dating from ……………………………………………...

The Rent is as defined in the Schedule I attachment 

‘Due Date’ shall mean for the 100% payment of the Rent and Security Deposit the date 14 days prior to the first date of the Rental Period.

This Agreement is made on the basis that the Property is to be occupied by the Guest for the purpose of a holiday. The Guest who signs this Agreement does so on behalf of all members of the party, obligations, expressed or implied are considered to be made by such persons jointly and severally.

Payment made by the Guests to The Manor in respect of this Property shall constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

By agreeing to these Terms the Guest warrants that it will not sell or transfer the booking to another party.


A.1. The Guest shall use the Property for the purpose of a private holiday residence with up to a maximum of twenty three adults. 

A.2. Additional arrangements would have to be made if the number of Guests exceeds twenty three in order to accommodate the size of the party, such as erecting put-me-up beds which would be arranged by The Manor.

A.3. The Guests must not allow, whether or not knowingly, use of the Property or any part of it for any improper, immoral or illegal purposes. 

A.4. The Guests must report any pre-existing damage noticed upon arrival within twenty four hours of arriving on the property. If any issues arise during the Rental Period the Guest must notify The Manor as soon as practicably possible in order for the issue to be resolved. If The Manor is not notified about an issue the Guests will have relinquished all rights in the matter.


B.1. The Guests must leave the Property at the end of the agreed Rental Period in the same clean condition it was in at the beginning of the Rental Period; reasonable wear and tear is accepted.

B.2. Failure of the Guests to exercise reasonable care may result in deductions being made from the Security Deposit.

B.3. Guests should ensure that they take all their personal property away with them at the end of the Rental Period. Failure to do so will result in the Guest being charged for costs incurred by The Manor to send the personal items back to the appropriate Guest (Royal Mail shall be the preferred service provider and couriers may be necessary).

B.4. Any items not claimed within 28 days from the last day of the Rental Period shall be disposed of by The Manor.


C.1. A security deposit of £1,500 is required by BACS no less than 14 days prior to the first date of the Rental Period. 

C.2. The full amount of the Security Deposit will be refunded within seven days of departure provided that:

  • No damage is done to the Property or its contents throughout the duration of the Rental Period.
  • All rubbish and debris are placed in a rubbish bin and all unclean dishes are put in the dishwasher or cleaned.
  • The barbecue is cleaned after use. 
  • No linens or other amenities that are provided to the Guest are lost or damaged during the Rental Period.
  • No additional charges are incurred due to illegal activity or (prohibited) pets or Guests.
  • There is no loss or non-return of keys provided by The Manor to the Guest.

C.3. If one of the aforementioned provisions occurs or any other event reasonably defined as damage The Manor shall deduct the appropriate amount from the Security Deposit and will not guarantee a refund within seven days of the Guest’s departure.

C.4. In the event of any of the aforementioned provisions occurring or any other event reasonably defined as damage The Manor will endeavor to notify the Guest of the infringement and the deduction to the Security Deposit as soon as practicably possible and with any available evidence.

C.5. If the cost of rectification is greater than the Security Deposit the Guest shall be liable for the remaining monies due. For this reason the Guest is advised to acquire substantial personal liability insurance.

C.6. As the Security Deposit is paid by BACS the refunded amount shall also be returned by BACS. 


D.1. See the attached Schedule I for the specified Rent of your preferred Rental Period.

D.2. There will be 100% payment of the Rent 14 days prior to the first date of the Rental Period

D.3. The Rent should be paid by BACS. It is the Guest’s responsibility to allow sufficient processing time for the payment in order for the Rent to be received by The Manor in cleared funds on the Due Date.

D.4. Any and all charges of VAT applicable to the Rent shall be payable by the Guest at the prevailing rate.


E.1. A Guest who wishes to cancel a booking for the agreed Rental Period must contact the Manor via telephone and then communicate a written confirmation of the cancellation. The written cancellation must be signed by the Guest signatory on this Agreement. Failure to comply with this clause shall render the cancellation void.



F.1. In the extreme circumstance that The Manor has to cancel the booking for any reasons beyond The Manor’s control it shall be reasonably responsible as far as is practicable to find alternative accommodation for the Guests. 

F.2. If the Rent for the alternative accommodation is of less value than The Manor the difference will be refunded to the Guest.

F.3. The Manor shall not carry any liability for the Guests throughout the stay in the chosen alternative accommodation.


G.1. At all times throughout the Rental Period The Manor shall affect suitable building insurance cover for the Property and shall insure all fixtures, fittings and effects belonging to The Manor against loss or damage and any other eventualities that The Manor decides to insure against. 

G.2. The Manor will not insure the personal property of the Guests and will not accept liability for damage to personal property throughout the Rental Period.


The Guest must allow The Manor, his agent or contractors access to the Property at reasonable hours during the day, to inspect the condition of the Property or to carry out repairs or other works that may be necessary during the Rental Period, in accordance with The Manor’s obligations or to carry out maintenance of the appliances or facilities.


I.1. The Manor warrants that all furniture and furnishings provided at The Manor by it, comply with the most up to date and relevant fire safety regulations. 

I.2. Due to fire hazards furniture should not be moved throughout the Guests’ stay at the Property, especially when the party exceeds twenty people.  Furniture is placed in particular positions to ensure the Guest’ safety and moving any piece of furniture could cause unnecessary risk.

I.3. A fire safety risk assessment has been carried out on the Property. 


J.1. The amount of people occupying the Property during the Rental Period must be communicated to The Manor. The maximum number of Guests is limited to twenty three persons.

J.2. The Manor reserves the right to refuse admission to the Property or to ask the Guests to leave the Property immediately if the aforementioned provision (J.1.) is not adhered to.


This Property requires a two night minimum stay. If a Rental Period is taken for less than two nights, the guest will be charged the Rental Period equating to a two-night stay.


The Manor is a non-smoking property; please refrain from smoking in and around the Property. Guests that do not adhere to this provision risk a deduction or complete loss of their Security Deposit.


M.1. Pets are not permitted in the Property unless The Manor has given express prior written permission to the Guest in order to permit guide dogs or Canine Partners for the benefit of the Guest or such other in the Guest’s party. 

M.2. If such pets are permitted they must be kept under reasonable control at all times and must not be left unattended in the Property. The Manor cannot accept responsibility for pet safety.

M.3. The Guest will be responsible for all and any damage caused by the pet and the cost of any extra cleaning incurred.


N.1. Parking is limited to 7 vehicles. Vehicles are only to be parked in areas reasonably used for parking. 

N.2. Any fines or other outcomes associated with illegally parked cars are the responsibility of the Guest only and not of The Manor.


Any personal information supplied to The Manor by the Guests is used, held and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


The Manor can provide chefs, caterers and supermarket deliveries for the Guests’ needs. The Manor shall not accept any liability for these services or goods.


The Manor cannot accept liability or pay compensation where the contract is breached or affected by circumstances accountable to force majeure. Force Majeure is any event which The Manor could not reasonably avoid. Such events may include natural disaster, fire, terrorist activity, closure of airports, unforeseen weather conditions etc.


This agreement is governed by English law with English Courts having exclusive jurisdiction.

The Manor hereby agrees to let the Property and the Guest hereby agrees to take the Property, for the Rent (as specified in Schedule I) and Rental Period in accordance with the conditions stated within this Agreement.

Pay now and secure your booking.

An image of 'The Manor'

The Manor

Nights: 2 nights

Guests:1 (1 adults 0 children 0 infants)

Arrival: Friday, September 13, 2024

Last Night: Saturday, September 14, 2024

Booking Value£2920.00

Amount Due Today£876.00

Security Deposit£1500.00
Due Friday 30/08/2024